Today the International Fur Federation submitted its contribution to the EU roadmap on a strategy for #sustainabletextiles, stressing these key messages:
– Extend the scope to the whole textile and clothing ecosystem, through a function-based approach exploiting the synergyes between the value chains of textile, fur, leather and other clothing materials.
– Develop a coherent framework across neighbouring policies such as circular economy, due diligence, traceability, environmental footprint to ensure legal certainty.
– Support innvoation and sustainable solutions through investments in technologies and infrastructure supporting the repair, reuse and remanufacture of clothing products.
– Products with a longer lifespan can promote more sustainable lifestyles.
– Recognise that the use of biodegradable products to further reduce the production of harmful waste.
– Improve the enforcement of risk-based market surveillance in the Single Market to ensure fair competition, protect investments of virtuous companies and the credibility of EU policies as a whole.